I have started to use an epilator on my legs and bikini area, as I hate shaving because I still tend to have scratchy legs a few hours after doing so.. and I hate the hair reoval creams because they are messy and I have to apply them evey second day anyway.. waxing only last a week or two and is too expensive (plus I'm pale with dark hair so a little bit of growth looks bad).. and I definatley cant afford electric/lazer removal.. so I have opted for an epilady as I can use it every few days ad my legs feel smooth... but my legs and bikini are covered in red bumps from ingrown hairs.. they look disgusting and I have to wear pant at the moment to hide them.. how can i prevent/get rid of them?? I use a loofah in the shower every morning and give my legs and bikini a good scrub, and I also apply a ingrown hair solution/spray to my legs after epilating but it doesn't seem to work... What Can I do??? I'm desperate..
Ingrown Hairs... Help!!!?
here's some tips
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