this might help
Um....girls only........i have a very embarrasing do i get rid of ingrown hair??????
nair or that sally hassen ingrown hair spray
Um....girls only........i have a very embarrasing do i get rid of ingrown hair??????
you can wax it
Um....girls only........i have a very embarrasing do i get rid of ingrown hair??????
You could use the nair lotion for ingrown hair =]
hope this helped.
Um....girls only........i have a very embarrasing do i get rid of ingrown hair??????
Electrolosis, laser or some v good waxers can do it. DONT SHAVE IT, it will make it worse and irritated.
Um....girls only........i have a very embarrasing do i get rid of ingrown hair??????
well my dear, it all depends on where this ingrown hair is. i personally get them under my arms, and on my bikini line. so far, what i have noticed is that it comes from shaving with a razor. and it doesnt' matter what kind of razor. double, triple, quadruple blade, they still cause them. so my advice to you is to stop using razors. i only use razors now for my underarms, b/c well, what else can u really use. but i brought a nice electric trimmer for my bikini area and i no longer have those ingrown hairs.
Um....girls only........i have a very embarrasing do i get rid of ingrown hair??????
oh yes that is totally mortifying -not!
Um....girls only........i have a very embarrasing do i get rid of ingrown hair??????
you cant, but u can prevent them the next time u shave, just use a loofah and scrub the area before shaving and shave in a downward movment, and if u wax well sometimes u get ingrown hairs also try shaving them off
Um....girls only........i have a very embarrasing do i get rid of ingrown hair??????
If you mean how to prevent it, most of the above answers will work for you. I presonally prefer Nair or using a trimmer. But if you are asking how to remove the ingrown hairs you already have, waxing, tweezing, shaving, etc. will not get rid of it because it is under your skin. The best thing for your skin is to use warm compresses, and I have found that rubbing vitamin E oil or vasoline on it helps it come to the surface a little faster. Otherwise, you will have to break the skin to get it out.
Um....girls only........i have a very embarrasing do i get rid of ingrown hair??????
There are creams in the drug store for that problem, i can't really remember the name. but the Pharmacist will help you out...... to prevent them you need to exfolate 3 time a week, try this by Repechage Honey Almond scrub, it help alot.... use it a day before you shave or wax.
Um....girls only........i have a very embarrasing do i get rid of ingrown hair??????
pluck it, then clean it with soap.
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