Friday, November 13, 2009

I've got something that looks like a pimple but it might be an ingrown hair, if it is what do i


I've got something that looks like a pimple but it might be an ingrown hair, if it is what do i do?

in grown hairs go away after a few days...put warm compresses on it, that usually helps...don't dig at it...don't try and shave or pluck or anything on or around it....usually just takes a few days...sorry....don't know of anything quick to fix it...

I've got something that looks like a pimple but it might be an ingrown hair, if it is what do i do?

Warm compresses - it should open up eventually. If it gets bigger or swells up or turns red and hurts like a mutha, see a doctor ASAP. It might be infected.

I've got something that looks like a pimple but it might be an ingrown hair, if it is what do i do?

they are pretty much the same thing, pop it like you would a zit, or keep a warm wash cloth on it, and if it gets white after a while, its a pimple. Popping it wont hurt it a bit, or you.

I've got something that looks like a pimple but it might be an ingrown hair, if it is what do i do?

make an appointment with your doctor to find out for sure if you're really that worried about it. If you're willing to wait it out a bit, then wash your face daily and use a zit cream on it. If it's a pimple it'll disappear in a few days. If it's still there, you can try using tweezers or a clean needle very carefully to puncture the area so the hair can come out. But I really think seeing a doc is best.

I've got something that looks like a pimple but it might be an ingrown hair, if it is what do i do?

my grandma puts toothpaste on both of those and it works really well

I've got something that looks like a pimple but it might be an ingrown hair, if it is what do i do?

If its an ingrown hair just get a tweezer and pluck it before it gets too bad. If its just a pimple try using Clean and Clear Deep Cleansing Astringent - thats pretty good.

I've got something that looks like a pimple but it might be an ingrown hair, if it is what do i do?

Soak it in warm to hot water 2-3 times a day. It should help.

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