Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ingrown hairs on your legs and thighs?

Ok when I shave my inner thighs....I don't know if it's because the skin isn't as 'thick' as on the rest of the leg or if it's flabby...but I just get the worst irritation there....knots where hairs have become ingrown. I might can pick the hair out with a pair of tweezers...but it doesn't make the knot go away or anything. What can I do so that this irritation goes away? It's a sight embarassing when I'm wearing shorts or a bathing suit.

Ingrown hairs on your legs and thighs?

Try a product w/ salicylic acid - ex) Tend Skin. It will encourage exfoliation so the ingrown hairs can grow out.

Also, use a body poof w/ shower gel to exfoliate.

Ingrown hairs on your legs and thighs?

Use Draw Out Salve, put it on the ingrown hair then put a bandaid on it, take it off at the end of the day, don't clean the stuff off. Do this again the next day. The ingrown hair will go away, just don't try to pop it! This works SO well. You can get Draw out salve at the store

Ingrown hairs on your legs and thighs?

are you sure they're ingrown hairs and not an infection of the hair follicle itself??

i know when i shave my legs and bikini area, i sometimes get red bumps that i once though were ingrown hairs. usually, they ARE ingrown hairs around my bikini area because the hair is much coarser and curly, so it grows under the skin instead of out of the follicle. but when you get bumps on your inner thighs, usually the hair is very fine in these areas, which wouldn't cause ingrown hairs. instead, the hair follicle itself could be inflammed, infected, or irritated.

possible causes could be rubbing against clothing (jeans or tight pants), you could have an allergic reaction to the shaving cream or lotion you use. it could be razor burn because the razor you use is to much for you skin (i.e. does it have 4 blades, or 2?), or any combination of these things.

i would try switching shaving cream, one for sensitive skin (i used to have the same problem and i thats what i use), try switching razor blades, and keep your legs moisturized with a moisturizer for sensitive skin as well. if none of these things work, i would see a dermatologist. they could definetly tell you what the cause could be, and how to treat it.

good luck

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