Sunday, November 15, 2009

Does anyone have any suggestions about preventing ingrown hairs?

I have dark brown hair. On the inner side of my calves, my hair is thicker and visible under the skin even after I shave. I also get ingrown hairs because the hair is thicker in that area. I've used wax, an epilady, and creams but nothing seems to work! The ingrown hairs are what really bothers me. I also get them in my uhm...groin area. Yikes! Help!

Does anyone have any suggestions about preventing ingrown hairs?

If you have curly hair on your head, you would naturally tend to grow curly hair in other places of the body as well. There are a few things you can do to help avoid ingrown hairs, though. First of all, be sure you are shaving with a very sharp new razor, and if you can - a single blade. Shave in the direction the hair grows, not against it, so you cut the hair flush with the skin surface. Secondly, avoid wearing pantyhose and definitely not hose under pants. Try to avoid tight fitting pants, which also interferes with the way the hair grows out and tends to rub hair and break it. Another thing that can help is a scrub mitt, used daily during bathing. It can sort of grab onto the end of a hair and help encourage it to grow outwards as opposed to inwards. The hair is simply more visible because the skin inside the thighs tends to be paler, and there is nothing you can really do about that. You can try using dipilatory creams to remove the hair from below the surface for a smoother look, but will still eventually see the hair when it gets regrown closer to the surface of the skin. Mostly, avoid tight fitting clothing and use the scrub mitt all over. You can also use a body scrub with "bits", either sugar or apricot type, to help as well- but the mitt is cheaper and works as well. A side benefit of it is smoother skin all over, not just avoiding the ingrowns.

Does anyone have any suggestions about preventing ingrown hairs?

regular exfoliation - the process is not only great for ingrown hairs - it's excellent for the skin in general

Does anyone have any suggestions about preventing ingrown hairs?

Scrub before you shave...... first just the loofah thing ( using extra moisturizer type shower gel) then use St. Ives apricot scrub or whatever you prefer that's the same nature.... and then you can shave..... I had bunch of hair bumps on like my thighs and constant scrubbing is the only way to get the hair to come out so you can actually shave it..... assuming of course that your condition is similar to that of mine....

Does anyone have any suggestions about preventing ingrown hairs?

Keeping yourself clean and the hairs short should help. They can't turn around and repenetrate your skin if they remain too short to make the turn.

Does anyone have any suggestions about preventing ingrown hairs?

A proper shaving technique will prevent ingrown facial hair. First, don閳ユ獩 shave so close the next time you put a razor to your face or your crotch. Leave a little hanging. Second, don閳ユ獩 shave against the grain of your hair growth. This applies to all areas of hair growth, including your legs. Third, and finally, don閳ユ獩 run your razor over the same spot in an effort to get that perfect shave. You閳ユ獧e just asking for ingrown hairs if you keep irritating that area with a blade.

If recurrent ingrown hairs are a problem, use of an antiseptic may help prevent ingrown hair.

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