Friday, November 13, 2009

Would like to hear from women of color about bikini and facial hair removal, and getting rid of ingr

There are many good ingrown hair treatments like Tend Skin, Priva Shave, Kalo IHT and Skin Doctors Ingrow Go. There are also pointed tweezers designed specially to remove ingrowns.

Would like to hear from women of color about bikini and facial hair removal, and getting rid of ingrown hairs!

Yes, that is if I gave a fuc_ about ingrown hairs......

Would like to hear from women of color about bikini and facial hair removal, and getting rid of ingrown hairs!

I have to say that getting rid of facial and bikini hair isn't just a women of color thing. I know fair skinned women can bleach theirs if it isn't too thick or long but that's about the only difference. I know that the Nair brand says not to use on the face but that's what I've been using the last 6 years once a week. Put it on for 3 minutes and wipe off. Nothings easier than that.

Would like to hear from women of color about bikini and facial hair removal, and getting rid of ingrown hairs!


Seems as if the question wasn't worded in an "easy to understand" way! Bikini and facial hair removal, for the most part, goes across the board for all women--it's going to come off, period. Ingrown hairs, however, can leave ugly dark spots on women of color who might not be as easy for those with lighter skin to cover up.

In the event of this (and GOD it's annoying...) tweezers, rubbing alcohol, and moisturizer do the trick for me. Clean the tweezers and the area; pull hair out from the root; clean again, the add moisturizer. Pretty simple.

I hope this helped!


Would like to hear from women of color about bikini and facial hair removal, and getting rid of ingrown hairs!

A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

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