Sunday, November 15, 2009

I have ingrown pubic hairs and have to shave?

Lately, I have had three areas on the left labia of ingrown hairs. I have to shave or I will break out in folliculitus and be broken out everywhere. I try to get the hair the best I can with peroxide and tweezers but still have some pain and cannot seem to make it go away...Any suggestions?

I have ingrown pubic hairs and have to shave?

use epsom salt. make a paste out of it using water and apply it. It helps draw out the hair. Or you could soak in a hot bath with epsom salts poured in.

good luck!

I have ingrown pubic hairs and have to shave?

Try waxing instead of shaving.

I have ingrown pubic hairs and have to shave?

You probably need to see the doc for antibiotic treatment. Also peroxide is way to harsh to be using on your skin without diluting it.

I have ingrown pubic hairs and have to shave?

have no clue what is going on.... but ingrown hairs usually just have to be left alone.

I have ingrown pubic hairs and have to shave?

Please, immediately go to Dermatologist. Sorry !

I have ingrown pubic hairs and have to shave?

i suggest u stop using peroxide or as this one suggested waxing and just shave. waxing and using tweezers causes hair grow in. just shaving doesn't cause ingrown hair. if u have folliculitus u have to go to doctor and be treated with antibiotics. usually this stuff inside folliculus is stafilokkok infection, if it gets into blood u might have abscess.

I have ingrown pubic hairs and have to shave?

folliculitis happens when bacteria get in the hair follicle. you can prevent it by washing the area and then applying peroxide or a cream with peroxide. also, salicylic acid will help with the ingrown hair. If I were you, I'd shave only every other day. you shouldn't get folliculitis and it'll give your skin a chance to heal so it won't hurt so much.

by the way, be sure to change your razor often because bacteria can grow there too, and you probably shouldn't shave if you have the infection because you could spread it to a bigger area.

I have ingrown pubic hairs and have to shave?

Wax it off.

I have ingrown pubic hairs and have to shave?

Dont shave, use Nair!

I have ingrown pubic hairs and have to shave?

Use an antibacterial soap after shaving and keep the area clean.

I have ingrown pubic hairs and have to shave?

I'm not sure shaving is the best thing to do .The over use of peroxide is only going to keep the skin irritated. warm compresses to area 3 times a day. loose clothing.Try triple antibiotic ointment.this you can find over the counter.Give the hair time to grow out on it's own if the area becomes too painful or develops cyst, you may have to let a doctor lance them and remove the hairs.

I have ingrown pubic hairs and have to shave?

First let me say that i have never had an ingrown hair on my labia.

i have however, had an ingrown hair in the "downstairs" area. it kind of freaked me out, as i didn't know what it was at first and was about to smother my boyfriend who i thought had given me something, but then through his laughing fit, he informed me that it was an ingrown hair.

I popped mine (first thoroughly cleaning my hands and the area) and then pulled the hair out (it did actually pop like a zit-very weird). you may need to use tweezers, but again MAKE SURE YOU CLEAN AND STERILIZE THEM FIRST!! this does hurt a bit because of the area its in, but i cleaned it again afterwards and i have never gotton one again.

shaving may actually help it since you are in essense exfoliating the skin my shaving off the top layer, but again -CLEAN RAZOR!

as to maintenance and preventative care, my understanding of ingrown hairs is that the hair follicle is blocked or clogged (whether it be from dead skin, dirt, oils, etc.), therefore preventing the hair from coming through. the best way to prevent this is to exfoliate regularly. the area you are getting them in is delicate to say the least, so make sure whatever you use is strong enough to exfoliate, but gentle enough not to irritate or hurt the area. also make sure that you use good, clean razors, changing them regularly, and don't use loofas or sponges or things of that sort which only harbor bacteria.

hope this helps and good luck!!

I have ingrown pubic hairs and have to shave?

I do have a suggestion. Stop using a razor down there. Buy a women's electric shaver and use it instead. You are less likely to get an infection if you dry shave with an electric shaver, because the bacteria causing the infection need moisture to survive. You have to use shaving gel if you shave with a razor. The shaving gel creates a layer of moisture on your skin. That's how the bacteria enter your skin and cause folliculitus. That's doesn't happen if you use an electric shaver. You will have to remove those ingrown hairs with tweezers. The best product to use to prevent infections like that is Tend Skin lotion.

I have ingrown pubic hairs and have to shave?

Stop shaving down there. Just trim it short for a wile till it clears up.

I have ingrown pubic hairs and have to shave?

preferably a surgery............

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